DOE AirsoftTeam - Ambush Adventures The Depot 9 2 14
Deniable Operations Executive airsoft team out at Ambush Adventures site in Aldershot -The Depot. #airsoft #airsoftteam #ambushadventures...
TFN Voodoo - Airsoft Loadout Review
TFN Member Voodoo gives us a rundown of his current team loadout. If there was anything mentioned in the video you want to ask a question...
Juggernaut Airsoft War Games in Scotland
Over ten minutes of Airsoft action. Filmed at Section8 in January 2014. This was a warm up game, to get the players ready for the longer...
Stirling Airsoft Copehill Down Operation Javelin Vehicle Ops
WIMIC Ops at Copehill Down village. Vehicles and IEDs abound at this Stirling Airsoft Event at one of the UKs best airsoft / Miitary...
Ai500 Dark Harvest Airsoft event Mini Movie
AV Team comment - an oldy but a goody from 2010 promoting the now long running event the ai500 by Airsoft International. Note: This was...
AIRSOFT Copehill Down Hit Takers
Fantastic Days shoot with Elite Action at Copehill Down #airsoft #ukairsoft #fibua #urban #eliteactiongames #militarybase #copehilldown
10 golden rules of airsoft
10 handy tips for anyone wanting to make their day go better or things all new players should be doing. enjoy Video from our day at...
AirsoftKB at First & Only The Towers 21/6/2014
A great days airsofting at first and only new site The Towers.. #airsoft #ukairsoft #cqb #urban #firstandonly
Diablo 4 Man Room Clearing at Military Base Skirmish
#airsoft #ukairsoft #airsoftteam #longmoor #cqb
Sandpit (UCAP) 7th December 2014- Goliath Task Force Airsof
This has been Re-Uploaded due to the video render quality issues! pretty much sorted now so should look better and less blury and...