Airsoft - CQB chez la WDA (59) - 3 Août 2014 - Gbbr
A-V Team comment: More French Industrial airsoft action....these guys seem to get to place at loads of these tyoes of venues.....lucky...
Airsoft MILSIM Convoy - 50'cal Action
Airsoft at UCAP - The Sandpit just outside of London, great fun! #airsoft #openarea #thesandpit #ucap #vehicles #woodland
Airsoft Op: Kings Court 2, Stockyard Airsoft, Oklahoma City 2/22/14
Here's an awesome montage from Kings Court 2 at Stockyard Airsoft in Oklahoma City, OK. CQB is king at Stockyard, no minimum engagement...
American Milsim Reindeer Games 13- Viper Tactical Milsim part 1 TAKE THE HILL
* EXPLICIT LANGUAGE*WATCH as VIPER TACTICAL and COST take the Northern hill over looking the AO during AMERICAN MILSIM'S REINDEER GAMES...
Juggernaut Airsoft War Games in Scotland
Over ten minutes of Airsoft action. Filmed at Section8 in January 2014. This was a warm up game, to get the players ready for the longer...
Airsoft Sniper - Scope Cam - ASCSB Koop ASCW FFA
AV Team comment - Our good friend Novritsch doing what he does best SNIPE! #airsoft #sniper #sniperscopecam #woodland
Stirling Airsoft Copehill Down Operation Javelin Vehicle Ops
WIMIC Ops at Copehill Down village. Vehicles and IEDs abound at this Stirling Airsoft Event at one of the UKs best airsoft / Miitary...
AV TEAM Comment - The flip sideto one of our fav vids that showed survivors battling zombies in an ultimately fruitless fight, this video...
A village set up with 250 players on site. #airsoft #frenchairsoft #cqb #fibua
Mission the detergent / Drone / FR
A skirmish at a huge French industrial site. Some drone, reverse gun and POV footage. #airsoft #frenchairsoft #industrial #urban #cqb...