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Negative game play

It seems recently there has been an increase in the amount of negative gameplay videos, people seemingly proud of overkilling others that have cheated or they think have. Let's get one thing clear, CHEATING IS NOT OK, airsoft is a sport based on honour and if one person does it, it spreads "Why should I take my hits when that guy didn't?" and this can quickly ruin a whole day for everyone. A lot of these afore mentioned videos are of people responding to cheaters by unloading a whole mag or getting confrontational verbally and even physically, this is not the way to deal with it and we will not display any such videos here on AV.

Below are our thoughts on how you should deal with a situation of someone cheating.


Airsoft sites are run by people you have paid money to, they employ marshals / refs to monitor the games. Call yourself out go and get a good look at the player who you are sure is not playing by the rules so you have a description, note something unique, a team badge, a custom bit of gear and have a quiet word with the people who run the game. Now we aren’t encouraging anyone to run to a marshal EVERY time some isn’t taking their hits, sometimes someone genuinely didn’t feel it, It hit a mag on a rig and they were blatting away and didn’t hear it or it was a ricochet, if someone is at a distance are you rounds falling short? but to you it looks like they’re getting there.

Make sure you know what happened and get the guys ruining everyone else’s day out of there.


To you guys I understand organising airsofters can be like herding cats and when they are all out there shooting each other tempers can fray for many reasons and often for silly things. When it comes to cheating however it is your job to lay down the law, when you witness or have repeated claims against an individual pull them aside and give 1 warning….they do it again ban them from your site, these people are poisonous and will ruin the day of the other 50 players on site, who if they have a bad day, won’t come back. Share the names of these players with other friendly site owners and it will soon stop. is all about promoting the best game play and as said above we won’t publish negative content.

Be honest, be the bigger man / woman out there on the field.

AV Team

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